Saturday, May 10, 2014

Day 32 word of the day is retinue. Retinue means a group of retainers or attendants.
My 32 day challenge has been interesting. I have learned some new words and how to use them. At times, one more thing to keep up with was not easy for me, but overall worth it. I just hope I can remember a few of them!   

Day 31 word of the day is mien. It means air or bearing especially as expressive of attitude or personality.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day 30 is cataract, like with the eye stuff.
Day 29 is lionize. Cool word! to treat as an object of great interest.
Day 28 is gist. You get it?
Day 27 is scavenger, I think we all know that word!
Day 26 is risible. It's me, you know with the laughing:)
Day 25 is escapade. Sounds like trouble.
Day 24 word of the day is peach. It means to turn informer. Makes me think of the mob movies.
Day 23 word of the day is aplomb, meaning confident composure or self-assurance.
Day 22 word of the day is svelte. It means slender.
Day 21 word of the day...fiscal. I've heard of this one.