Monday, September 2, 2013

A Reflection On My Jung Typology Test

Assignment 2.2

Yesterday I took the Jung Typology test. I found out that I was typed as Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging (ESFJ). I would have to say, that I agree with the finding's from that test. I know I'm easily wounded, enjoy being in charge, a caretaker, a generous entertainer, exc...

I was ask to compare and contrast my Jung Typology Indicators with my own perception of myself as a writer and a student. 

As a writer, is hard for me to answer. I've not done enough writing in my life that I know of a particular style that I have. I know I'm a horrible speller, and it is difficult for me to put my thoughts down and not to edit while I write. But I'm sure many people have the same problem. I prefer to write about things I know about. I usually have strong feelings on those matters. I guess knowing that I really do not want to be the one to hurt others feelings would impact my writing. I might not be able to get my true thoughts down if I knew the person I was talking about was going to be reading it. I guess I need to be careful not to put too much of my feelings in my writing. I'm not sure how the Jung test will help me overcome that, but the words from Ms.Anthony ring in my head. She says to write fearlessly. I'm working on that. I do like to reflect on technical topics before I write about them. I love to hear the opinions of others on the matter too. A lot of times they bring up good points that helps me lean one way or the other on the subject matter. They might bring up something I never even thought about. Although, Their thoughts and opinions might set me further in my own ways.

As a student, I can see how the Jung Test can be useful. As it seems, I "wear my heart on my sleeve". Being in school will definitely help me to toughen up my skin. Maybe I will learn to not take things so personally. I do prefer "the black and white" vs "the gray" areas. You always know where you stand. Unfortunately, so much of life is lived in the "gray" area.  I do struggle to make  decisions.  College moves at such a fast pace, I can't be wasting time going back and forth on things and get behind.  I do like making connections with the people in my classes. That surprises me. Most of us seem to have a lot of the same feelings and insecurities. It's nice to know I'm not the only one. I like to learn with a more hands on approach. I have always felt that I retain more if a teacher shows me how to do something, then I do it, rather than if I'm just told what to do.

In short, I don't know how the Jung Test will impact my writing or my schooling, as I'm new to both experiences. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

If you are interested in finding out what type you are, you can go to, click on "Is there a test", Click on Jung Typology Test, And take the free test. 

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