Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Favorite words story

Three crazy friends, Monkey, Goober and Sugar, who are always in a bubbles mindset, were all in agreement to work together. Sugar is 100% America. The real all American family. Goober is defiantly wonky. All willynilly all the time. The best way to describe Monkey is that she is a total badger and completely fungo.
The three set out to plan their business. They decided to open a cupcake shop and Goober and Sugar want it to be called "Butter", and decorate the shop in warm, soft pale yellow colors indicative to it's name.  Monkey, as always, was being so subversive, always saying "no" to the other two's ideas. The girls have nothing but utter disdain for Monkey when she does that. Monkey never had a good explanation for why she wanted to go with a different name other than "Butter". Thinking that Monkey's bad explanation was nonsense, Sugar and Goober finally convinced Monkey to let them pick the name.  Butter it became.
The ladies thought it might be cute, given the fact that their cupcakes were baked with love, to seal each box with an "xoxo" sticker.
After hours passed and they had finally settled on the name and sticker logo, the three girls were totally knackered. They thought it best to wait until morning to start the cyclical cycle regarding the cupcake shop.

5 favorite words

no -  my answer to most questions ( my kids might call "no" my favorite word.)
why -  what I seem to be asking myself a lot.
nonsense - Ridiculous and silly. A word Jasmine and I use often. 
xoxo - How I tell someone goodbye or that I love them in a text or letter.
wait - This refers to what I am always asking people around me to do.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Name- Holly

The name Holly not only reminds me of myself but it also reminds me of Christmas. You know, have a Holly jolly Christmas and all that. I think of the red berries on the Holly tree and how pointy the leaves are on it. When I think back on my experiences in school, I never knew very many other girls named Holly. There were only one or two of us. I used to love hearing the story of how my mom decided to name me. She was going to name me Jennifer Lynell, but the day I was born, both my grandmothers came in to see me and one said, "her name should be Holly.", the other Grandma said"Yes, and her middle name should be Rae.". I have no idea where the two of them came up with Holly Rae, but I think its nice that they suggested it and that's what my mother went with. I had several Jennifer's in my school. I'm glad I got stuck with a more unique name. I like the idea of generational or family names too.  Had I put more thought in to my childrens' names, I might have been more likely to name them after a family member.

Holly (name)

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Ilex-aquifolium (Europaeische Stechpalme-1.jpg
The name Holly is derived from the name of the plant.
Gender Female
Word/Name Old English
Meaning Related to the plant; related to Christmas time.
Region of origin Europe
Holly is an English given name that has mostly feminine use. The name derives from the name of the plant, from the Old English word holen.[1] Because holly is used as decoration at Christmas, Holly is a name given to girls born around that time or after. Alternate versions include: Hollie, Holli, Holie, etc.[2] As a first name in 2009, Holly ranked #380 for most popular girl baby name in the United States[3] and the 24th most popular girl's name in England in 2012.[4] 'Hollie' is the girls version of this name, but spelt traditionally 'Holly' is a male name. The name 'Holly' is an old Pagan god name rooted from the plant name. It was believed from the mid-summer soltice to the mid-winter soltice the god of the 'Holly' looked after the people and lands. Conversely, the god of the 'oak' took over between winter and early summer. So any male born during the second half of the year could be named Holly in tribute. This belief preceded Christmas by thousands of years.


A name of someone influential to me would be Jim. When I hear that name it makes me think of one of the few people in this world that I can call and he would drop everything in a hurry to get to me and help with whatever it is I need. I remember advice that was given to me by him like, nothing good ever happens after midnight, or believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see. These things I have carried over to adulthood and only then did I realize how true those words are. Lots of names come to mind when I hear Jim. Some are, JO Wade, or O'l Man. My kids call him Pa, but he is my dad.  

Monday, October 7, 2013

Prompt: empty toilet paper roll, Play-doh

First off, where would we be without toilet paper? But what do you do with the empty rolls? There are lots of things a person can do with an empty toilet paper roll. One thing I like to do with them is to fill them with dryer lint and old, used up dryer sheets. Then I put them in the furnace to start fires. It works like a homemade starter log.  They also smell great! Empty toilet paper rolls have also been used at my house to make party favors. You wrap them in tissue paper and fill them with candy and small toys, tie a cute little ribbon at the top and POOF! You have yourself a nice little treat bag. Another thing we have used them for is to make a recycled C3PO robot from Star Wars. Toilet paper rolls along with paper towel rolls and some duct or electrical tape and you can really make some neat stuff. That kept my boys busy making them and playing with them. 

I love Play-doh! It comes in all kinds of fun colors and you can form it to be any shape you want! You can mix the colors and create any kind of color blend or tie dye. People even make homemade Play-Doh now. I remember as a child, watching in awe at the new T.V. add for the brand new fun factories that the company had come out with. You could have a barber or beauty shop where the Play-Doh was the hair and you could cut and trim the hair. They also had a food factory where you could press the Play-Doh in to food shaped molds and make dinners and picnics. The problem with that was kids seemed to eat the Play-Doh, but that is ok because as it turns out, Play-Doh is nontoxic! What a relief that was. I remember being curious what it tasted like, on account of so many kids eating it,  so I licked my fingers after playing with some. I remember it having a salty taste. The down tide to the doh was getting it out of carpet! also how disappointed you would be, to find out later that you didn't get the lid on all the way the last time you played, and found the Doh dried out. 

Friday, October 4, 2013


Red is bold, flashy. In my opinion it is the most confident of colors. It screams look at me. I have a hard time wearing the color red. People say I look good in it, but it makes me feel like I stick out too much. Lets face it, there is a reason stoplights and stop signs are red. It commands attention. I believe the color red is associated with negative feelings. I remember one time we painted the walls at a gym I worked at red and black. During the whole painting process, everyone fought. I think it was the colors that brought out our change in demeanor. Maybe sub-conscientiously  we all became the "alpha dog" for a moment.  Thant can not end well. The only positive things I can think of, off the top of my head, that have good feelings about red are Christmas and Valentines Day. Painting my dining room....

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

free write: Stress

I have decided to get healthy. I have been making better choices on what I put in to my body. I drink more water, almost all water. When I break from that it's to have a sweet tea. I am eating lower fat foods, more whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. I have also cut back on my intake. I have tried to be consistent to work out, at very least 2 days a week. I'm not loosing weight! Why? Well maybe it's hormones or stress. Maybe it was a bad time in my life to start a new life plan, cause lets face it, it's not a diet but a lifestyle change. Going back to school has added lots of stress to my day to day! Perhaps the freshman 10lbs is not a myth. Should I make my peace with the fact that my stress level  is going to go up and so is my weight? I don't think so. I refuse to be one day closer to a heart attack or diabetes just because I need to learn to relax. I think stress can be good for a person. Everyone has it. Why is everyone not huge?  Is it my age? What am I doing that is so different? How can one cut back there stress and still live life and experience the things they want?