Wednesday, October 2, 2013

free write: Stress

I have decided to get healthy. I have been making better choices on what I put in to my body. I drink more water, almost all water. When I break from that it's to have a sweet tea. I am eating lower fat foods, more whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. I have also cut back on my intake. I have tried to be consistent to work out, at very least 2 days a week. I'm not loosing weight! Why? Well maybe it's hormones or stress. Maybe it was a bad time in my life to start a new life plan, cause lets face it, it's not a diet but a lifestyle change. Going back to school has added lots of stress to my day to day! Perhaps the freshman 10lbs is not a myth. Should I make my peace with the fact that my stress level  is going to go up and so is my weight? I don't think so. I refuse to be one day closer to a heart attack or diabetes just because I need to learn to relax. I think stress can be good for a person. Everyone has it. Why is everyone not huge?  Is it my age? What am I doing that is so different? How can one cut back there stress and still live life and experience the things they want?

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