Monday, November 18, 2013


YOLO, to me means you only live once. The only reason I know that is due to a skit from Saturday Night Live. It was absolutely silly, but if I had to embrace the saying, I would be more likely to quote a Tim McGraw song, "live like you were dieing". Make every moment count. Say the things that need to be said. Don't waist your time with regrets and live your life to the fullest. Take stock and find the things that really matter to you. Find joy. Life's too short to be upset all the time. Don't sweat the small shit! Pick your battles. What will be your legacy? How will you leave an impression on the people you one day will leave behind? What lives were impacted by you? Did you live selfishly or did you have a servants heart? I am selfish by nature, but I strive to be a giver. My family is number one to me. I hope one day they will look back on my life and see that I gave them everything I had. I would hope they would strive to have that for their kids one day. That because of my example, I showed them how to be good parents, and to never settle for less than that. 

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